.....I've got a hopscotch teardrop ready to drop.....
Rosie & Coco never stop to remind me to be playful, as in playing hopscotch... Or maybe dancing around to saloon-like piano music & dancing around in unwashed long hair & long satin dresses...
a teardrop is always ready to drop from being
sad, happy, injustified, fortunate, overwhelmed, complete..
* a real teardrop
It can be of 3 types:
(1) b a s e l teardrop : simply cleansing & lubricating the eye to remove dust
(2) r e f l e x teardrop : i told you these onions irritate my eye...
(3) p h y s i c teardrop : ahh..... good ol' crying... brought be emotions...
The really really interesting detail of emotional teardrops is the different chemical make-up that these tears carry compare to the other 2... They contain leucine enkephalin, which is a natural painkiller...
very touching isn't it? That our own body takes as much good care of us as a dear mother would, and even provides a soother for the emotionally fortified moments...
makes you love one's self, doesn't it ?.....
And really really interesting detail #2:
Emotional tears from w o m e n have been found to reduce sexual arousal in men !
The reason lies behind the emotional teardrop chemicals once again, which drop testosterone, in the attempt to reduce aggression! oh, and sex drive for what it's worth...
So, a woman's teardrops are indeed, a weapon of hers...
* an art teardrop
so intensely intimate & familiar man ray's teardop is, looking at it...
Have spend long long minutes staring at it over the years, trying to figure her & her glass teardrops out... Her eyes with the mascara-encrusted lashes invoke wonder at the cause of her distress...
yet again, her teardrops are made of glass. made.
could it be it? the distress that ones feels by one's teardrops, even if they are fake?
are teardrops a message we want to pass on about ourselves, even if it is not genuinely & instinctively produced?
Tears might as well be similar to black sunglasses over one's eyes on a bad day. Can't bother to cry, but use a pair of black sunglasses to denote that she might as well could be crying.
* a sexy teardrop
bad film, but sexy-as-always johnny depp as a cry baby...
I would definitely bottle his tears, wouldn't everyone?
* a hopscotch
hopscotch: ~noun / Yorkshire etymology: Hop-Score.
*phonetically / Czech origin: "hop" and "skoč" ~ meaning "hop" and "jump"
rules are quite simple,
as long as you have the energy & the cocorosie emotionalism !
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