Tuesday, February 14, 2012


February the 14th, February the 14th... Every year this date rings a bell...
Tis the day Pope Gelasius I decided to celebrate the 14 Christian Martyrs Valentinus, in 496 AD. 
I search and I search, and I cannot find what those Valentinuses did to be associated with romantic love in the high middle ages. NO LINK, so I assume it is the velvety name that served the purpose. 


Valentine's day in modern world is the celebration of love
And with that comes; a celebration of flowers, champagnes, chocolates, jewelery, dinners, poems, and  w o m e n !!!

I am really annoyed by Valentines Day, the same way I am annoyed by
engagement rings, weddings, and what-women-want-articles

Being a hopeless romantic
I deem the above 3 the everlasting enemies of 
dedication, marriage, and sincere-human-feelings

#1 Reason for being annoyed:


WHO celebrates love?
People who believe in love, who need love as a breather, who trust love in happy living. 
If you are one of those people, you comprehend the importance of love so painfully clearly, that not even a day goes by without love's presence.

So WHY the need to celebrate it on 1 day, 
through a materialistic bouquet of cards, flowers, gifts, dinners, sex, and chocolate?
  • Why ruin the importance of writting a card for someone just one day? 
  • Why wasting a perfect bouquet on an irrelevant day? 
  • Why spending for a gift you would have bought on a day that was actually important for him or her?
  • Why taking the spontaneity out of a truly sexual night?
and last but not least:
  • Why, oh why treating chocolate so "ordinary"?

#2 Reason for being annoyed:


Why don't we celebrate "Cheatind Day"?

Cheating or being cheated does more in building one's character so why forget it?

Not so as to cheat, of course not. But to recall and rethink of why we CHEAT. Not just in LOVE, but anywhere.

Why not remind ourselves the importance of being loyal to ourselves (and hence to our partner)? 

Happy Cheating Day then, the lesson is too important to skip or forget! 

#3 Reason for being annoyed:


I love women. I am mesmerized by their complexity and uniqueness. Which is why I get so frustrated when they present themselves as  p l a i n

Instead of reminding their uniqueness, Valentine's Day creates a yet another stereotype for all women. That all they have in their brains & souls is "be proposed to", "jewellery", "champagnes", and "handbags". 

I love my diamonds, I indulge in champagne, and I actually fondle a new handbag. 
But not like that...... Not in bulk, not in a day just for the sake of it..... 

Make it  r e a l , please..... 

#4 Reason for being annoyed:

That it is SAD being by yourself on Valentine's Day. 

What is really SAD?
Spending a Valentine's Day in flowers, chocolates, champagne, dinner, and sex. With "just" someone.
...as if you are "just" someone...

#5. Reason to enjoy Valentine's Day:

If only so as to set your template for the next 363 days:


L  is for the way you Look at me
O  is for the Only one I see
V  is very Very extraordinary
E  is Even more than anyone adore can you

LOVE is all that I can give to you
LOVE is made for me and you

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