Wednesday, June 06, 2012


r u d e

~  [rood]  adjective
1.  discourteous or impolite, especially in a deliberate way
2.  without culture, learning, or refinement: rude, illiterate peasants.

What makes one be  r u d e ???

When do you reach the point of: 
"Hey, let's NOT do what feels  r i g h t
let's do something that is rude enough to make the other feel uncomfortable
but  polite enough so as to not be confronted".


I am  u t t e r l y  ANNOYED  by the polite rudeness...

The kind that is not obviously rude, as directly insulting or swearing or not saying "thank you" would be, 
but the rudeness of saying or doing something which is so indirectly rude, as to feel bewildered in talking back !  

And yes, even making you question yourself in the worst way:
"Was that really rude?"
"Could this be the right way to be?"
"Will I sound odd if I say I got offended?"
"Maybe I didn't get it right..."
No, you got it right allright: he is just  r u d e  as can be!!!


Abel Stevens is so wisely defining  p o l i t e n e s s  as:
" the art of choosing among one's real thoughts "

So simple and wise!

Who can be politely rude and sincerely~sincerely~sincerely support that he really chose the most right thing to do in his best judgement 
That not for one second did he not have a ulterior motive in being "just a bit" inappropriate so as to serve a purpose of his (and only his) ?

Uh,  l i a r s  only.....
Pathetic little men and revolting little women...
coward and unmanly ones, giving a bad meaning to the word  s e l f i s h ...
e v e r y o n e  knows where the acceptable/unacceptable  l i n e  lies, no excuse there...


Direct rudeness, I sincerely don't mind, as it is frank and open. 
I don't personally approve it because it trespasses one's human rights, but at least it is not fake and it's not pretentious. 
It is clearly out there and doesn't make you question your judgement.


So be rude if you have to, just not sly rude...

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