Tuesday, November 01, 2011

All Saints Day / 1st of November

Is it the day after All Hallows' Eve (Hallowe'en) already? November 1st it is, so...

Happy All Hallows' Day   *   Happy Hallowmas   *   Happy All Saints Day

3 different wishes for 1 same day !

What is All Saints, I wondered?

Is it the Saints? All of them?

Is it a David Bowie album? Or even David Bowie's 2 different albums' title? Apparently, the first released privately in 1993, and the 2nd in 2001 by EMI, both featuring his instrumental work. It is interesting (if not completely unpredictable) that David Bowie (of all people...) would pass the chance to find a title for an album and simply reuse an old one:
But apparently anything goes if you are the man, after whom a cult was created (check out 30.October post for "the Cults"). 

Another All Saints j'adore is of course the iconic Spitafileds "All Saints" shop (http://www.allsaints.com/) which is responsible for the serious degree of coolness in so may people sporting a leather jacket. Best leather jackets ever.

And how can I not mention "All Saints" soap opera, on which so many Australian households rely to witness an Australian ER experience. Could it be that "All Saints" is the inspiration and reason for existance of "Gray's Anatomy"?
Oh, and extra points for the really really I-have-no-idea-which-decade-we-re-on DVD covers!

But THE most interesting detail about "All Saints Day" is the vast amount of events taking place throughout the centuries on this particular day! Read with me:

01.11. 996 : 1st use of the name "Austria" for the till then "Ostarrichi".
01.11.1512 : 1st exhibition (ever) of Michelangelo's painting on the Sistine Chapel ceiling
01.11.1604 : 1st time William Shakespeare's tragedy "Othelo" is presented
01.11.1787 : 1st free school in NYC opens
01.11.1834 : 1st published reference to Poker, as a Mississippi Riverboat game :)
01.11.1848 : 1st U.S. Woman's Medical School opens in Boston
01.11.1866 : 1st Civil Rights bill passes
01.11.1867 : "Harpers Bazaar" publishes
01.11.1896 : 1st bare woman breast appears in National Geographic Magazine (of a zulu woman!)
01.11.1926 : Air Commerce Act passes
01.11.1944 : Mary Coyle Chase "Harvey" premieres in NYC
01.11.1947 : Howard Hughes flies "Spruce Goose", a large wooden airplane
01.11.1948 : Mao's red Army conquerors Mukden, Manchuria
01.11.1956 : Delhi becomes a territory of Indian Union
01.11.1962 :  Greece enters European Common Market
01.11.1972 : 1st gay them tv movie - "That Certain Summer"
01.11.1974 :  U.N. affirms independence of Cyprus
01.11.1981 : 1st Class Mail raised from 18 cents to 20 cents
01.11.1993 : STS-58 (Columbia) lands...
01.11.2010 : The People's Republic of China announces it is taking its first census in 10 years

Happy Hallowmas everyone !                                                                                                                          May All the Saints be with you ;)