Is it really that simple? To tell the truth? To hear the truth? To feel the truth?
Let's reveal #1, the l i t e r a l truth:
Anglosaxon version:
Truth: ~noun, [trooth]; “the state of being in accord with fact or reality".
Greek version:
Aletheia: ~noun, [αλήθεια]; “the state of not being hidden; the state of being evident”.
what about #2, the l i v i n g truth ?
...Pinocchio of course...
One personality I’d l o v e to hear chat about it, here on my couch, over a bottle of Riesling (to pay respect to Pinocchio's German roots of course...).Poor baby, he s t r u g g l e s with the effects of truth (or shall I say, its lack of!) from day 1, in 1883.
Isn’t is p r a c t i c a l for him? That he has his cute nose watching over his not lying?
Not more than it is for everyone. Pinocchio has a nose to verify a non-truth, we simply have our conscious.
#3, the w i s e truth?
I do not have Pinocchio’s thought on the truth, but I do have some other interesting personalities’ sayings about it! Read with me:
“Truth is such a rare thing, it is delighted to tell it”
heroic Emily Dickinson
“Art is a Lie that makes us realize the truth, at least the Truth that is given to us to understand”
pioneer Picasso
“There are only 2 mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting”
beloved Buddha
“Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth”
exemplary Ghandi
…dear Ghandi… how refreshingly simple, the way you always put things.
one cannot ignore #4, the e r o t i c truth . . .
SO LAME.....
I apologize to the you who find this "simple truth" cute, but for me this is just lame.
It is another way to pretend men & women are different species, so as to support the biggest marketing fraud of "men are from mars, women are from venus" brand, and to provide an alibi for lazy people not wanting to deal with their partners' truth.
So un-true, honestly...
So un-true, honestly...
and #5 ! All those people constantly s e e k i n g truth !
Seeking truth, as a lifelong spirituality & goal. Is it really something that needs or can be searched? So intensely? Isn’t it really here? Like… right h e r e ?
Right now, I can say something or think something or feel something and k n o w if it’s the truth.
Is it as easy?
When you are True to the way you let your mind pave the path of its thoughts :)
“…The truth is in the dirt on the ground
not in your poison tongue or your acid tears
let the truth howl in your ears…”
Let's hear it once again, this perfect tune with the t r u l y sincere voice...