Wednesday, June 06, 2012


r u d e

~  [rood]  adjective
1.  discourteous or impolite, especially in a deliberate way
2.  without culture, learning, or refinement: rude, illiterate peasants.

What makes one be  r u d e ???

When do you reach the point of: 
"Hey, let's NOT do what feels  r i g h t
let's do something that is rude enough to make the other feel uncomfortable
but  polite enough so as to not be confronted".


I am  u t t e r l y  ANNOYED  by the polite rudeness...

The kind that is not obviously rude, as directly insulting or swearing or not saying "thank you" would be, 
but the rudeness of saying or doing something which is so indirectly rude, as to feel bewildered in talking back !  

And yes, even making you question yourself in the worst way:
"Was that really rude?"
"Could this be the right way to be?"
"Will I sound odd if I say I got offended?"
"Maybe I didn't get it right..."
No, you got it right allright: he is just  r u d e  as can be!!!


Abel Stevens is so wisely defining  p o l i t e n e s s  as:
" the art of choosing among one's real thoughts "

So simple and wise!

Who can be politely rude and sincerely~sincerely~sincerely support that he really chose the most right thing to do in his best judgement 
That not for one second did he not have a ulterior motive in being "just a bit" inappropriate so as to serve a purpose of his (and only his) ?

Uh,  l i a r s  only.....
Pathetic little men and revolting little women...
coward and unmanly ones, giving a bad meaning to the word  s e l f i s h ...
e v e r y o n e  knows where the acceptable/unacceptable  l i n e  lies, no excuse there...


Direct rudeness, I sincerely don't mind, as it is frank and open. 
I don't personally approve it because it trespasses one's human rights, but at least it is not fake and it's not pretentious. 
It is clearly out there and doesn't make you question your judgement.


So be rude if you have to, just not sly rude...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

fair not

Press PLAY on the youtube icon below. Lay down... back relaxed, pour tea in your cup and maybe add rose buds in it, smell the infusion, smile..., fill your body with the music, feel it behind your eyes...

you gave me hope amidst my sorrow

may it be tomorrow, that i can love again

and in return for what i've borrowed

be with you tomorrow, and until the end

i know the road we're on is narrow
along comes tomorrow, we're gonna see the sun

and with the wings of the first sparrow

new light of tomorrow, we're gonna be as one

you smile ?
you feel the joy of being alive ?
                of leading a full and meaningful existence?
you are grateful to your society for keeping you alive like that ?


No, not really..... And you're right, you shouldn't !
As it is only natural and common sense that we all simply live moments like the above. No society needs to denote us that...

How funny! Ha ha...

How funny that we don't! How funny that the "rights to live" apply to the people who need them least : The Western-type society people.

So many, so many, so many have no promise that they can feel safe in their skin for a minute or two. So many men, women, boys, girls, babies may not be living tomorrow not by accident, but simply by being born on the wrong side of the planet
And being dead unlucky because of that...

If you google Africa's countries, the following words pop up:

Zimbabwe : child soldiers kidnappings, government camp for torture & sexual assault.
Uganda : torture, child labor kidnappings, prosecution to homosexuality.
Sudan : ethnic cleansing (a.k.a. massacres of tribespeople), government-run enslavement, child soldiers kidnappings, prison abuse.
Somaliachild labor kidnappings, human trafficking, child soldiers kidnappings, female genital mutilation, rape by militia, police-organized kidnappings, forced labor on minority group women. 
Nigeria: rape & torture on prisoners, child labor kidnappings, human trafficking, female genital mutilation, no freedom of speech & religion. 
Ethiopiachild labor kidnappings, human trafficking, female genital mutilation,  tortures & killings by the police, forced relocation to villages that lack food & healthcare. 
Congo :  ethnic slavery. 
Cameroon : systematic torture. 
Western Sahara :  ethnic "disappearance" & imprisonment, mandatory child soldier recruitment by government.
Libya : child deliberate HIV infections, prison massacres, civil war. 
Centuries ago, the time had come to stop the imbalance of the societies. 
Centuries later, it still hasn't. 

Please quit your intellectual uncommitment

I am really uncommitted as well, of course I would be... 
So I am starting somewhere:

and of course... see what happens in the images section if you type the words "africa", "torture", and "child soldiers". The more creative you become in the words you type, the more "creative" the pictures get. 

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

what to do...

i just don't know what to do with myself........... a summer rose needs the sun and rain
I need your sweet love to beat love away...

What do you do when you don't know what to do, with your life  actually...

My friend Αιμιλία in her "TRUTH & REVERIE" doesn't know what to do in Athens, 
what to do somewhere else, what to do, what to do...

It's quite funny that she gets that, cause if you are an Αιμιλία, ie an Emily, your name quite clearly denotes your life!

emily    ~  PRONOUNCED : Em-i-lee
     αιμιλία   ~  PRONOUNCED : Em-i-lee-ah
The meaning of this name is  in·dus·tri·ous   -   a.k.a. skillful.
Skills... what a nice thing to have. 
Do we learn a skill, or a skill chooses us? Probably the second, as everything in our life does, even though most of us go by the "choose your life" moto... I think not. I think we are pre-determined from the day we are born, as to what we will like, what we will do, how we'l react to this, etc. 
No matter what our skill is though, the only think we all  have in common, 
is our obligation to our gift-giver to use it.

Our times are challenging, as all time have been & will be
The few who are skillful enough to comprehend the meaning of this, are the ones who have to get the job done... Live to be marry, of course. But not just that, cause this is quite easy actually for the emilies. 
Live to Do..... 

So, to give my advice to emily's seek for suggestions :

1. Become an Αιμιλία. Live in Athens and become an Athenian, not a passer-by. You don't have to live to a place forever to do that, even a few days will do. Get an Athenian best friend. No, it's not difficult is you really want to gift yourself to a previously-stranger-and-now-best-friend person. 

2. Care for Athens. What can you offer to a city that has so much to learn from you? So so so many Athenians are desperate for some freshly-minded guidance in all of the skills you have; smiling, eating, caring, and the all so many others i don't know...

3. Learn from Athens. There is an underlying wisdom of centuries around this city. Zillions of people live in it & never know it but it's there. There is an aura of wisdom and happiness that is yours to take. Is it in the people? Is it in the food? Is it in the public transport that you hate? Is it laying near you in Irodeion Theater while watching a play that has probably been played there 19 centuries ago? Find out, it's too easy to skip  !

TO CONCLUDE :  You got to this ancient city for a reason, and this is far beyond the fact that you paid a visit to a susan once... 
Jack White sings "I don't know what to do with myself" in this post. He's from Detroit (ding, ding, ding!) and he struggles with the same question over there too, so your answer is probably location-free...

When you don't know what to do with yourself , you usually have to take a STEP BACK from yourself. You've spent too much time with her  and it's time for some fresh input !

To discover your purpose here, empty your mind of all the (maybe false) purposes you've thought you had here, including the idea that you may have no purpose here at all
It's breathtaking inspiring to think of all the things you could be doing here!

if all things fail & you find yourself doing nothing, here are a few suggestions to do just that:

1. Blink wildly and then close your eyes really tight for an interesting light show
2. See how long you can hold a note
3. Try to not think about penguins
4. Use your secret mind power
5. Pretend you're a robot
6. Scratch yourself
7. Rate passers by
8. Repeat the same word over and over until it loses its meaning
9. Pinch yourself
10. Try to swallow your tongue
11. Pretend to be a car
12. Make Star Trek door noises
13. Look at something for awhile, shut eyes, study after image
14. Get yourself as nauseated as possible
15. Invent a weird twitch
16. Make a low buzzing noise

(wow...... I can't wait to find myself be doing nothing...)

Saturday, February 18, 2012


own·er·ship   [oh-ner-ship]
1. the state or fact of being an owner.
2. legal right of possession; proprietorship.

" I've got something that's all mine "  

Shaznay Lewis sings...  and I get the overwhelming feeling that I get when I clearly see something; 
The one thing I've got that's all mine is myself.  

We live our life collecting things & people, and some even creating things & people, but at the end of the day... not one thing belongs to us more true and more complete that ourselves
We can't chose not to, but we can choose not identifying it, and not liking it even! and it such such a shame... Wasting such an importance ownership of ours... ourselves... 

PJ Harvey today, for knowing:

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


February the 14th, February the 14th... Every year this date rings a bell...
Tis the day Pope Gelasius I decided to celebrate the 14 Christian Martyrs Valentinus, in 496 AD. 
I search and I search, and I cannot find what those Valentinuses did to be associated with romantic love in the high middle ages. NO LINK, so I assume it is the velvety name that served the purpose. 


Valentine's day in modern world is the celebration of love
And with that comes; a celebration of flowers, champagnes, chocolates, jewelery, dinners, poems, and  w o m e n !!!

I am really annoyed by Valentines Day, the same way I am annoyed by
engagement rings, weddings, and what-women-want-articles

Being a hopeless romantic
I deem the above 3 the everlasting enemies of 
dedication, marriage, and sincere-human-feelings

#1 Reason for being annoyed:


WHO celebrates love?
People who believe in love, who need love as a breather, who trust love in happy living. 
If you are one of those people, you comprehend the importance of love so painfully clearly, that not even a day goes by without love's presence.

So WHY the need to celebrate it on 1 day, 
through a materialistic bouquet of cards, flowers, gifts, dinners, sex, and chocolate?
  • Why ruin the importance of writting a card for someone just one day? 
  • Why wasting a perfect bouquet on an irrelevant day? 
  • Why spending for a gift you would have bought on a day that was actually important for him or her?
  • Why taking the spontaneity out of a truly sexual night?
and last but not least:
  • Why, oh why treating chocolate so "ordinary"?

#2 Reason for being annoyed:


Why don't we celebrate "Cheatind Day"?

Cheating or being cheated does more in building one's character so why forget it?

Not so as to cheat, of course not. But to recall and rethink of why we CHEAT. Not just in LOVE, but anywhere.

Why not remind ourselves the importance of being loyal to ourselves (and hence to our partner)? 

Happy Cheating Day then, the lesson is too important to skip or forget! 

#3 Reason for being annoyed:


I love women. I am mesmerized by their complexity and uniqueness. Which is why I get so frustrated when they present themselves as  p l a i n

Instead of reminding their uniqueness, Valentine's Day creates a yet another stereotype for all women. That all they have in their brains & souls is "be proposed to", "jewellery", "champagnes", and "handbags". 

I love my diamonds, I indulge in champagne, and I actually fondle a new handbag. 
But not like that...... Not in bulk, not in a day just for the sake of it..... 

Make it  r e a l , please..... 

#4 Reason for being annoyed:

That it is SAD being by yourself on Valentine's Day. 

What is really SAD?
Spending a Valentine's Day in flowers, chocolates, champagne, dinner, and sex. With "just" someone. if you are "just" someone...

#5. Reason to enjoy Valentine's Day:

If only so as to set your template for the next 363 days:


L  is for the way you Look at me
O  is for the Only one I see
V  is very Very extraordinary
E  is Even more than anyone adore can you

LOVE is all that I can give to you
LOVE is made for me and you

Sunday, January 29, 2012


an·ni·ver·sa·ry  [an-uh-vur-suh-ree] noun, plural –ries
1. the yearly recurrence of the date of a past event: the first anniversary of their marriage; the sixteenth anniversary of their relation.
2. the celebration or commemoration of such a date.

§ elaborating 1 and 2:

§1. The recurrence of the date:
 i.e. an anniversary is the human way to keep track of our events through time. Specifying how many hours, days, months separate us from the birth of an experience, from the birth of a memory.

such a lie………..
such a poor attempt of people to put life in boxes, so as to get a once again a [false] feeling of controlling life.

Anniversaries are false, cause we cannot set time. 
One minute could be a week and one year could be a day. 
Time is how we feel the events, experiences and memories we get throughout our existence, and no numerical value can denote this.

A kiss I remember lasts 20-days in my head. Sometimes it lasts 40.
A year I recall lasts 17 seconds.
A month I recall lasted 10 months.
A dinner conversation I had, am sure it lasted 3 months.
And a dance I had once lasted 4 days.
My childhood lasted 9 years.
School 90 days.
University 9 months.
He last 79 years. First came the first 14. Then I recall a 2-month time. Then came 24 years, and then another 37. He lasts more than 79 come to think of it…

...apparently, in human scale, I would have to have 79 anniversaries with you…. 
Wow… we really need to catch up on our anniversary dinners ! 

§2. The celebration !

What are we celebrating? The past event itself? And why? It’s in the past and it is over!
The outcome of the event? 
How our life has been affected after and because of such an event? 
Yey… I’ll stand by this…

I love anniversaries…
Not so that I recall the event itself, but I really really indulge in remembering and reliving all the effects that this event has made in my life. All the feelings I’ve had since, and the times I’ve re-approved or re-disapproved  the event.

Anniversaries are my pause button in a stormy life to just “stay” and take a minute to say to you and to him how nice it’s been. And talk and talk and talk about all the mixed memories that I keep. 

It’s like making time (human time) to listen to a mixtape of memories. And I love mixtapes so much (yes, i'm old-school...) so how can I not love memory-mixtapes ?

Για εσένα, για την baby-bathing mixtape σου: