Monday, October 31, 2011

The Cults

A perfect Monday morning drive soundtrack by the oh-so-cult-band :  ABDUCTED by the  C U L T S


What is it about the word  c u l t  that is so cult about it? 
Let's count the Degree Of Cultness (D.O.C.) in these "cults":

#1 "CULT", literally
~noun [kuhlt]
a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies. 
D.O.C. Low as this is rather boring.

#2 Cults, as in "TRIBES":

Let's leave it to Mirror to link the "Cults" with the more anthropological "tribe":
D.O.C. Quite High, as is any list that would include a category called the "BOWIES"! 
And of course, who can overlook the "enthousiastic vandals", "anarchist leanings" and "good dancers" generalizations?!?!?  Wow Mirror...

#3 The CULT - The Rock Band

Any rock band that can pull the line "For Rockers, Ravers, Lovers, and Sinners" and have Ian Astbury as lead singer, is forever a Cult band. 

D.O.C. Super High if only for the cult concert t-shirt

#4 CULT - The word, without the meaning

I love the way it sounds, don't you?

Well hello !

Ah..... What can you do when life happens through so many different channels?
Blog it!
Create a cross-continent land by stitching together all the bits, pieces, and chunks of whatever challenges the eyes, the mind, the ears, the nose, the taste,the senses, and inevitably the soul.

This was my thought this Sunday night (or Monday morning? Does 2am count for Sunday night?). So, I refilled my whiskey glass & created my Alva-land! For me. To keep track of the pieces that make me bat an eyelash. And for You. To get an idea about whatever it is you're lookin' for ;)

So, I'll live as a curious little stray cat, strolling out of my neighborhood every morning, and meeting and chatting, and dancing, and eating, and listening, and coming back home every night to wipe my feet and nest in my cosy couch & think things through & enjoy every bit of experience once more...

So... Welcome to my scrapbooking land... 