Monday, October 31, 2011

The Cults

A perfect Monday morning drive soundtrack by the oh-so-cult-band :  ABDUCTED by the  C U L T S


What is it about the word  c u l t  that is so cult about it? 
Let's count the Degree Of Cultness (D.O.C.) in these "cults":

#1 "CULT", literally
~noun [kuhlt]
a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies. 
D.O.C. Low as this is rather boring.

#2 Cults, as in "TRIBES":

Let's leave it to Mirror to link the "Cults" with the more anthropological "tribe":
D.O.C. Quite High, as is any list that would include a category called the "BOWIES"! 
And of course, who can overlook the "enthousiastic vandals", "anarchist leanings" and "good dancers" generalizations?!?!?  Wow Mirror...

#3 The CULT - The Rock Band

Any rock band that can pull the line "For Rockers, Ravers, Lovers, and Sinners" and have Ian Astbury as lead singer, is forever a Cult band. 

D.O.C. Super High if only for the cult concert t-shirt

#4 CULT - The word, without the meaning

I love the way it sounds, don't you?